Terms And Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Space Dot


Welcome to Space Dot Private Limited, By accessing our online platform, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. These terms apply to all our services, including stock market education (Space Trade), data entry training, CAPTCHA projects, professional development (SD Pro), and loan services (SD Loans). This document outlines your responsibilities and our commitments to providing these services.

Educational and Earning Purpose:

Space Trade is dedicated to providing high-quality educational content on stock market concepts and potential earning opportunities in the trading world. Our suggestions and insights aim to enhance your understanding of market trends, trading strategies, and investment principles.

No Financial Advice:

The information provided on Space Trade is solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as financial advice. We encourage independent research and informed decision-making in all financial matters.

Structured Learning Experience:

Our platform offers a systematic and precise approach to stock market education. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of content quality to facilitate effective learning.

User Responsibility for Investment Decisions:

Decisions regarding investments based on our educational content are solely your responsibility. Space Dot Private Limited will not be held liable for any financial results of such decisions.

Account Security:

Decisions regarding investments based on our educational content are solely your responsibility. Space Dot Private Limited will not be held liable for any financial results of such decisions.

Privacy Policy:

We adhere to a strict privacy policy to protect your personal information. Your data is used only for purposes related to your engagement with Space Trade.

Service Fee:

A service fee of Rs. 4730 is required for access to Space Trade. This fee supports the delivery and continual enhancement of our comprehensive educational services.

Adherence to Terms:

These terms and conditions are in place to uphold the quality and integrity of our services. We expect all users to comply strictly with these terms.

Amendment of Terms:

Space Dot Private Limited reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions as necessary for service improvement, compliance with laws, and the overall betterment of our user experience.

General Terms

By registering for and using Space Trade, you confirm your understanding of and agreement to these terms and conditions. We are committed to providing a rigorous, enlightening, and enriching learning experience in the realm of stock market education.

Data Entry
  • The content in the image files must be accurately typed onto the website as it appears.
  • Ensure that each line typed corresponds exactly with the lines in the image, maintaining page alignment with the image file.
  • Incomplete pages can be saved and resumed later.
  • A set of 20 pages constitutes one project.
  • Text justification is not required, even if present in the image.
  • Typed files must closely replicate the image files in content and format.
  • Project accuracy is essential and evaluated per project.
  • Avoid using headers and footers in the typed documents.
  • Text color, if any, in the image file should be in black.
  • Complete the project within the specified timeframe before uploading it to our website.
  • Enhance your typing skills and earn with our data entry program at Space Dot Private Limited, where every step forward opens new doors to learning and achieving in the digital world.
Rejection Criteria for Data Entry:
  • Use of third-party software is prohibited.
  • Projects must be completed and uploaded on time.
  • Prohibited use of software includes MS Office and shortcut keys.
  • Typing in MS Word or copying and pasting text leads to project rejection.
  • Projects with colored text, more than fifteen misprints, or hyperlinks are not accepted.
  • Delayed submission.
  • For any queries, please email us at services@spacedot.co.in.
  • Rejected projects on first or chance submission due to these criteria will disqualify you from future work. A minimum accuracy of 85% is required for payment.
Important Notices:
  • Using third-party software for data entry will result in immediate ID termination.
  • Double-check all files to eliminate errors before submission.
  • Creating multiple accounts in your or another person’s name leads to an immediate ban, with no refund of the service fee.
Terms for CAPTCHA Projects:
  • Each CAPTCHA project includes typing 1000 captchas.
  • Your CAPTCHA ID will expire if the task is not completed by the company-set deadline.
  • After completing 1000 captchas, email us to request the next project.
  • Late submissions will result in no further CAPTCHA projects.
  • Incorrect captchas will not be counted.
  • ONLINE JOB PLAN – CAPTCHA projects are available for request only on Mondays and Tuesdays between 12 pm and 2 pm and are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
  • SPACE TRADE JOB PLAN – UNLIMITED CAPTCHA PROJECTS and are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
User Responsibilities
Privacy and Data Protection
Service-Specific Terms
Trade – Stock Market Education Services
Service-Specific Terms
Important Notices for Data Entry:
CAPTCHA Projects
SD Pro Services
SD Loans Services
Payments and Fees
Intellectual Property and Copyright
Limitation of Liability
Dispute Resolution
Termination of Service
Misrepresentation by Uplines
Change of Company Rules
Contact Information
Registration Process
Additional Provisions